Facebook Fundraising

How can I create a Facebook Fundraiser?
Creating a Facebook Fundraiser from the Great Cycle Challenge platform will ensure that your two fundraising pages automatically sync with one another as yo...
Wed, 26 Jun, 2024 at 5:32 AM
Who made my 'Facebook Fundraising' donations?
Unfortunately Facebook Fundraiser doesn't provide the donor name for each donation made through the Facebook platform, which means Great Cycle Challenge...
Mon, 8 Apr, 2019 at 5:16 PM
Where can I get a Facebook Fundraiser receipt or refund?
Unfortunately as Facebook Fundraiser processes donations independently of Great Cycle Challenge and Children's Cancer Research Fund, we are unable to as...
Mon, 8 Apr, 2019 at 6:32 PM
Can I add a Facebook Donate button to a post?
Facebook might prompt you to add a Facebook Donate button for Children's Cancer Research Fund while posting on Facebook about your Great Cycle Challenge...
Mon, 8 Apr, 2019 at 4:57 PM
Can I connect an existing Facebook Fundraiser?
If you have an existing Childhood Cancer Research Fund (CCRF) Facebook Fundraiser which you would like to connect to your Great Cycle Challenge page, it is ...
Mon, 8 Apr, 2019 at 5:21 PM